...the diocesan vocations director…
All is set for the diocese of Mangochi to ordain their only deacon to the order of priesthood. The diocesan celebrations committee is set to hold this important function in a marvelous way than ever before. Deacon Richard Mbando is to be ordained on 07 July 2018 at Mangochi Cathedral at a Holy Mass which will be presided over by Bishop Montfort Stima of the diocese of Mangochi.
Born on 06 August 1986, Richard was baptized in 1990 and was confirmed at Madisi in 1997. He was born in a family of Mr. Benson John Mbando and Stiveria Kalunga from Nankumba parish in the diocese of Mangochi. He successfully completed his secondary education at Chitipa secondary school in 2007.
In 2008, Richard joined Rumphi formation Centre for his spiritual year formation and he was later recommended to join Kachebere Major Seminary for his three years philosophical studies. Richard was then recommended to join St. Peters Major Seminary for his theological studies in 2013. He was ordained a deacon in 2017.
The diocese of Mangochi glorifies the Lord for this important gift to the Church as we now face an intense shortage of enough priests in the parishes. Many parishes are very much in need of priests to minister to them effectively. The ordination of Deacon Mbando gives a sigh of relief as the number of priests will be growing.
The vocations director for the diocese of Mangochi, Fr. Christopher Sichinga still believes that the womb of vocations is not yet sterile in Mangochi diocese. What we need according to Fr. Sichinga is what he is calling “brand recognition or rebranding.” A concrete new vocation promotion plan should be introduced, modified and endorsed in all our 24 parishes and institutions. He invites all to continue praying for vocations.
All priests, religious and the laity are all invited to this auspicious occasion where our cool, calm and friendly deacon will be ordained a priest. Mangochi Diocese is one of the eight dioceses of the Catholic Church in Malawi. The diocese is situated in the Southern Region of Malawi and covers Balaka District, Mangochi District and part of Machinga District. It has a total number of 64 diocesan priests.