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LUNTHA TELEVISION is a conceived idea of The Montfort Missionaries to start a Christian television station as early as 1982. However, due to the political environment in Malawi at that time, they began to implement it as Kuwala Video Production studio in order to educate and evangelize through electronic images. Kuwala Studios were based at Ulongwe in Balaka District. The Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority granted Montfort Missionaries a television licence for Luntha TV in 2005. Luntha started beaming from Kuwala studios in Ulongwe on 27 May 2007. Upon completion of construction of the television buildings in August, 2008, the station moved from Ulongwe to Balaka.
Luntha TV has qualified and experienced staff who produce quality feature, documentary and television broadcast programs that deal with a number of issues concerning society, development, culture, faith and family values,
as guided by the audience research that was conducted in 2009. Following the citizen approach, our programs are interactive, their content ranging from information, education, entertainment, relaxation to spiritual uplifting. Upon invitation, Luntha TV does event

coverage and post production broadcasting. We also do promotional, sponsored and commercial productions on request.
Luntha TV is a Catholic media house. Our values are based on our identity and guided by the Gospel values with respect to the Vatican Council II documents Gaudium et Spes and Inter Mirifica, the Special Synods of Africa (1995 and 2009) as well as the mission of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM). The station promotes sanctity of life, unity and solidarity of all the people as a family of God, reconciliation, Justice and peace, contact and dialogue and inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. Luntha TV accommodates every Christian as well as people of other creeds
Luntha Tv boasts of quality twenty four hours quality broadcasting, seven days per week and the station enjoys good relation with Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) which is an established international Catholic television station; many visual electronic media production studios in the region which include the United Nations’ IRIN, Kenya Episcopal Conference’s Ukweli Video Productions, the Zambia-Malawi Jesuit Provinces’ Loyola Video productions and the Pauline’s Audial-Visual – Africa. These links bring to our viewers regional as well as global contents.
Locally Luntha TV partners with many non-governmental organizations such as NICE, ADRA, World Vision, YONECO, DREAM Project, CADECOM and CCJP. The station has had many productions in both English and Chichewa which are used as teaching, promotional and counselling tools by educational institutions, churches and non-governmental organizations in both rural and urban areas. It is only Luntha TV as a television station that constantly conducts audience researchs so as to determine and satisfy the needs of its viewers.
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