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The Church has a right to judge cases which refer to spiritual matters or which are linked with spiritual matters, or where a violation of ecclesiastical law has occurred. These are settled through trials at various levels of ecclesiastical courts. Church courts are called “tribunals,” and all tribunals are governed by the same ecclesiastical laws (1983 Code of Canon Law, canons 1400-1402). Usually, every Catholic diocese has a tribunal which is staffed by laity and clergy versed in ecclesiastical law.

Rev. Fr. Israel Madziakaphwa PhD is the current Chancellor in the Catholic Diocese of Nzekokere.
The Chancellor ensures the documents of the curia are safeguarded in the archives and records the ecclesiastical acts, decrees, and dispensations issued by the Bishop Montfort Stima Nzekokerediocese@malawi.net
Requests for Sacramental Records
Requests for sacramental records are to be made to the parish where the sacrament was celebrated. To locate sacramental records of parishes that have closed please click on this link. For a listing of the current Diocese of Nzekokere parishes click this link. For other inquiries contact the diocesan archivist, Mr. Louis Mkwazi and the judicial vicar, (+265) 999 55 66 12) or Nzekokerediocese@malawi.net