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dmi university celebrates feast day
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June 22, 2018 is a day that will forever be remembered in the annals of Daughters of Mary Immaculate University (DMI) at St John the Baptist Campus in Mangochi for thus the day, DMI University celebrated the feast of the nativity of St John the Baptist its patron saint. In the Roman Liturgical Calendar, the feast of the nativity of St John the Baptist falls on June 24, and the anniversary of his death comes on August 29 each year. His Lordship Rt Rev Bishop Montfort Stima of the Diocese of Mangochi who is also the Pro-Chancellor of DMI was the the guest of honor on the festive day.
During a High Mass which took place in St. John the Baptist Basilica in Mangochi, Bishop Stima invited his congregation to perceive St John the Baptist as a great man for having met Christ right in his mother’s womb for it was at Mary’s visitation to Zachariah’s home that Elizabeth noticed John leaping joy in her womb. Unborn babies encountering each other. He however called everyone to seek to encounter Christ and so we all shall be ‘great’ like St. John the Baptist. ‘Unless you meet Jesus Christ, you can never and will never be great’, Bishop Stima said.

After, the Eucharistic Celebration, Bishop Stima took time to address his audience and particularly the university students. In his words he thanked the academic staff and the support staff for the wonderful job of forming and educating which is another ministry the church takes after Christ. He however bemoaned immoral and reckless behaviors that dent the face of DMI University as a Catholic institution. He henceforth called all students in the university to behave and abide by the code of conduct the Catholic Church propagates in her institutions. ‘Let John we have commemorated today inspire you in every field you are studying here. On the other hand apply his character into your own lives‘, He said

In an interview with a member of the Diocesan Communications Team, John Mtelenuka Bandawho is product of DMI and now associate lecturer at St. John the Baptist Campus, said. ‘John the Baptist is the perfect choice as well as our role model because of the manner in which he lived and worked. He was a man of character and integrity, and someone we would all do well to emulate. In him we have a singular instance of purity, of zeal, simplicity of manners, and an ardent wish to benefit mankind by his example. To him we are indebted for the introduction of that grand tenet of our institution, which it is our glory to support: Peace on earth, good will toward all mankind.
Talking to John who looked jubilant because he shares the patron sainthood of St John with the University said, ‘…for me celebrations are mandate for human growth and remembrance. The main reason we celebrate festivals is because the majority of them are more or less religiously centered and thus we come to honor our religions. But festivals also give a sense of enjoyment, relaxation and offer the time needed to bond with family members whom we never really see.”
In the spirit to promote solidarity, the day concluded with a luncheon served for all staff members and guests.
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