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It is well said that ‘It’s gratifying to serve God joyfully and with dedication‘. Such was a point of departure for Fr. Joseph Kimu’s homily on the occasion of 50th anniversary in consecrated life of Rev. Sr. Helena Mkaka of the congregation of Sisters of the Divine Providence on Saturday, 9th June, 2018 at St. Augustine Cathedral in the Diocese of Mangochi – Malawi. Quoting great men and women of History in the Church such as Ss. Paul the Apostle, John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, he repeatedly compared vocational life to a book that is written each day and every moment and that the chapters being either desirable experiences worthy drawing lessons from or trash to be regretted. In vocational life, one is in search for meaning of one’s life. Thru and thru, Fr Kimu underscored three virtues of humility, faith and perseverance to be strong pillars to a well lived vocational life
Tears of joy streamed down Sr Helena’s cheeks on the words ‘Life to me is Jesus‘ as she talked to the congregation. Filled with joy she expressed her gratitude to God the Almighty, the congregation and people of goodwill who she has encountered in her 50 years of ministry in religious life.

In his introductory remarks at a Solemn Mass, enlivened by melodious chants and an organized liturgical dance, His Lordship Montfort Stima who presided over the Mass invited the congregation to join Sr Helena in thanking God for His graces in 50 years of service as a religious.
Born on 15th August, 1948, she was raised and educated in a non catholic home but consequently became Catholic and later discovered her call to sisterhood at the age of 20.
As a consecrated woman, Sr Helena has served in a number of communities in Archdiocese of Blantyre and Dioceses of Chikwawa and Mangochi.
Sr. Helena is a professional primary school teacher with passion for little girls’ education. She however has spent most of her precious time in formation and taking good care of little girls in catholic boarding schools run by Divine Providence Sisters.