August 24th each year Radio Maria Malawi, the mother Christian in the land celebrates her birthday. Traditionally, choirs from all dioceses across the country come together to showcase their talents and share skills. The best choir goes away with Radio Maria Malawi Choir Festival Trophy.

Radio Maria Malawi has turned 19 since it began broadcasting this year. Under the theme “Encouraging Mission Service for Children in the Church, Begging from Good Christian Families, the commemoration took place on September 1, 2018 at St Augustine Cathedral in Diocese of Mangochi.
PMS Director for Dedza Diocese, Fr. Peter Madeya speaking on behalf of National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Malawi said, “Radio Maria Malawi is playing integral role in disseminating information which contribute positively to the achievement of (PMS) objectives in Malawi“.
He however commended the collaboration displayed PMS and Radio Maria Malawi in the arrangement to come with the Choir Festival program together. He henceforth urged people of good will to support the Radio overwhelmingly to propel its sustainability.

Radio Maria Malawi chose this theme to complement the efforts of the Pontifical Mission Societies office in Malawi, which reflect values Radio Maria equally upholds. “We at Radio Maria Malawi underscored the need to promote our children to grow with spiritual life to enable them to remain strong in the midst of storm, for this reason we dedicated most of our programs to them,” Said Fr. Kimu.
“Children from parts of this country present various programs live on Radio Maria-Malawi on epiphany day”. He added.
To the competing choir, Fr. Kimu thanked them for contributing resources to attend this year’s prestigious Choir Festival. He said Choirs have learnt and shared various talents that will help them in their endeavors.
Professor Richard Tambulasi, who was guest of honor on the occasion appealed to families to nurture and inculcate in the gospel values in the young citing families as a nursery where faith is sewn. “Christian parents ought to lead by example so that their children emulate from them, and hence contribute positively on development of the church and the nation.
Tambulasi however congratulated the management and staff of Radio Maria Malawi for working tirelessly and voluntarily that the gospel comes to the masses”. In support for such a course he donated a sum of MK 200,000.00 to Radio Maria Malawi and MK50,000.00 to the choir that merges top most.

Chief Choral Judge at the event Mr. Montfort Kalikwembe expressed gratitude and amazement for credible performances by the choirs and encouraged choir masters and mistresses who to abide by the rules and regulations of a Catholic Choral Festival.
St Cecilia Zomba Cathedral Choir merged champion of 2018 Radio Maria Malawi Choir Festival beating Holy Family (Limbe) Cathedral Choir from Blantyre Archdiocese and All Angels Catholic Choir from Dedza Diocese respectively.
In his remarks after emerged the overall winner, the Music Director of St. Cecilia (Zomba) Cathedral Choir, Mr. Willex Likhutcha saluted the dedication of his choir members during the competition however, he prompted to encourage other who never made on the day to work extra harder.
Over 30 choirs from the dioceses of Mangochi, Chikwawa, Zomba, Dedza and Archdioceses of Blantyre and Lilongwe turned up for this year’s Radio Maria Festival.