Malawian Catholic Families (CFM) gathered for an annual General Assembly from November 24th to 25th in Mangochi, St. Augustine Cathedral. During the assembly, the full body of Catholic Family Movement leadership from 7 dioceses addressed a variety of topics including ethical and religious directives for Catholic families, responsible parental-care, social teaching of the church on marriage and family life and elected new office bearers for a conventional period of three serving term.

Bishop Montfort Stima who graced the whole occasion with an inaugural High Mass called on all families to respect the sacramental nature of Christian marriages. ‘…the presence of Christ in your families elevates an ordinary union of man and woman to a sacramental state. Christ who chooses to be amongest his flock finds Himself a member of your families. Therefore, respect the sacramental nature of your union by look-uping to Him; and love each other as members of Christ’s body, the Church’, Bishop Stima said.
National Pastoral Director at the Episcopal conference of Malawi, Fr. Tseka spoke strongly against the trend by many working class parents who provide for their children and wards but spare no time them as parents. ‘Children do not just lookup for material support from parents, they also need moral and spiritual support. They need your time…lots of children that are out of hand arent coming from poor families. No! they are from able families whose parents have no time for their kids. Will this assembly look into this not just as a social issue?‘. said Fr. Tseka.

Prof. Moira Chimombo, emeritus professor at the Malawi’s constituent educational institution, Chancellor College (CHANCO) and author of The Power of Discourse: An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, addressed the indaba on ‘Responsible Parenthood from Catholic Families‘. Fr. Cosmas Kinley, Director of Likulezi Catechetical Centre & Director of Catechetical Commission in the Catholic Archdiocese of Blantyre, ably presented on the Social Teaching of the Church on Marriage and Family Life.
On close of the day, the indaba resolved that Catholic families be helped to be parental; exemplary to children and other families; raise and train children for their better future, that of the Church and nations; accommodate other couples who are not members of any group related to marriage; make efforts to learn more on Church’s doctrines related to Marriage and family life; that members get registered and begin to subscribe with intent of promoting the movement etc…
Out of the AGM, the following members were elected in different offices:
- Kelvin & Eunice Chifunda from Archdiocese of Blantyre, National President Couple Family.
- Francis & Stella Namulu, from Archdiocese of Lilongwe, Vice President Couple Family.
- Ignatius and Patricia Monjeza, from Archdiocese of Lilongwe,National Secretary General.
- Syveria Palanjeta, from Diocese of Dedza, Vice-General General Bruno’s Family.
- Emmanuel and Opinion Chizinga, from Archdiocese of Blantyre, National Treasure Couple Family.
- Robin & Mercy Ngalande, from Diocese of Dedza, Vice National Treasure Family.
These officers will serve in their respective offices for a period of three years on approval by the relevant authorities.