Bishop Martin Mtumbuka has ordained twelve deacons with an appeal to them to be prayerful and obedient to their Bishops and to the Catholic Church at large.
Rt. Rev. Mtumbuka was speaking today at Zomba Cathedral during the ordination ceremony of twelve seminarians to deacons. Bishop Mtumbuka said no any deacon or priest on earth becomes successful in his pastoral work without these two fundamental values.

He said these young men are on their way to priesthood and that before long, they will achieve their dream with the help of God. However, the Karonga Diocese Bishop bemoaned a tendency by some parents who mistaken priesthood for investment. At this juncture, the Bishop said some priests fall into problems because of the various responsibilities posed on them by their parents and relatives. Rt. Rev. Mtumbuka then advised parents and guardians that when they send their children to priesthood they should do so as a sacrifice to God, instead of thinking that the priest should be their family’s breadwinner.
The list of the newly ordained deacons according to Dioceses is as follows; Peter Chiopsa-Zomba, Felix Damiano-Blantyre, Eugenio Benedicto Matope-Blantyre, Owen Abel Zuze-Blantyre, Steve Chikhasu-Lilongwe, Yohane Mzondola-Chikwawa, Joseph Mkinga-Karonga, Anthony Mwafuliwa-Karonga, Joseph Kapalasa-Dedza, Atupere Kuyokwa-Karonga, Gift Phiri-OFM Capuchin and Mefin Kannanaikkal- India OFM Capuchin.
Also present at the ordination ceremony was Archbishop Tarsizius Ziyaye, Archbishop of Lilongwe Archdiocese.