On September 1 2019, the Catholic Diocese of Mangochi launched 2019 Bible Month and its activities. Diocesan Bible Coordinator, Fr. Harry Mang’anda has confirmed.
Fr. Mang’anda said September each year is month set apart to promote the word or Bible. Christians are encouraged to own Bibles, however in holy month more is expected of Catholics and thus have bibles in their homes, work places and even in their cars. They encouraged to read the word of god, reflect on it, share the word of God in their homes and elsewhere and consequently allow the word of God transform their lives. It is for every faithful to let God’s word have meaning in their lives.

This year, the Church celebrates the Extraordinary Mission Month with Pontifical Mission Societies. In a special way, iIt is an opportune time to reflect on our vocation, zeal for mission work and renewal of our commitments to missionary life. The theme ‘Baptised and Sent’. The Church in Malawi has therefore opted to focus on the life of St. Paul the Apostle as such a best platform for this mission month reflections according to Acts 9:15, 18c. where we experience Paul’s zeal ignited with a mission to Damascus noted immediately after his baptism.
Fr. Mang’anda added that the Bible month activitites oblige the faithful to know and fully appreciate it, hence the need to constantly and consistently read the Bible to acquire necessary spiritual benefits.
Bishop Stima is encouraging parish priests to ensure that Bibles and booklets on Bible lessons are available throughout the year and to also encourage their parishoners to read the Bible and exchange gifts of the Holy Bible during this period. It is for this reason that the diocese has sourced Buku Loyera from Bible Society of Malawi in the intent of letting all have access of the Bible within reach. These Bible are now available at Montfort Media Bookshop, St. Augustine Cathedral Bookshop, Koche Parish Bookshop and the Bishop’s villa in Mangochi.

For the first time, all churches in the diocese will conduct a Bible Race (Bibliotona) through their particular Small Christian Communities aka ‘malimana’ through the diocese. The race is an initiative to remind all Catholics of the importance of the Bible in the life of each and every baptized person.
In his 2019 Bible Month Mass homily, Bishop Stima said those who are baptized are sent to proclaim the Gospel. The missionary work therefore needs deepen their understanding of the Word of God which can only be achieved by developing the hunger to hear and read God’s word.
2019 Bible month comes soon before the Extraordinary Mission month of October 2019, which also reminds every baptized Catholic of their duties to share the Word of God to the whole world. Reading the Bible everyday, therefore, is crucial as they cannot share what they don’t have in their hearts.
“I urge all Catholic families to buy the Bible for each of their family members. It is through reading the Bible that we will be able to explain why we Catholics pray the Rosary; why we ask for the intercession of the saints; and why the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick,” Bishop Stima said.
The month of September is dedicated to reminding all Catholics of the importance of the Bible in the life of each and every baptized person.