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koche holds a tripatite celebration
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Koche Parish which is one of the newly formed parishes in the catholic diocese of Mangochi in Malawi currently held a mega celebration in thanksgiving for the intercession of St. Magdalena who is the patron saint of the parish, for the gift of the three newly appointed priests to the parish and for the gift of vocations especially the Canossian Sisters who are serving in the parish. The function that began with the rite of a solemn Mass led by His Lordship Bishop Montfort Stima at exactly 9.30 in the morning.
A liturgical celebration of the Eucharist saw Catholics from across the 46 Catholic Communities from the 12 outchurches, ecumenical faithfuls from CCAP and Anglican Church, friends of Koche from the US, men and women, the young and old coming together in jovial state that was spiced by a colourfully decorated and equally organised flow of activities that made the day.

In his sermon to the congregates, Bishop Stima called for all people to emulate the example of humility that Christ portrayed to mankind by becoming man so as to serve and save humanity. He then alluded to St. Gertrude of Canossa as another example that wished to live in the footsteps Jesus Christ when she saw and found God in the lives of the poor. ‘Leaving a more comfortable home and letting all for the poor was such a model we find in Gertrude of being humble and meek’, Bishop Stima retorted. ‘The longest distance man finds difficult to cover is not from where s/he is located to someplace, no! It is from heart to heart. One may sit next to you and yet s/he may be miles away because the two aren’t humble and love each other’, he exclaimed.
During the Eucharistic celebration, Bishop Stima conferred certificates to 24 faithful Catholics from the 12 outchurches who over the years have lived exemplary lives before fellow Christians and the community with their unwavering faith and love of prayer.

Speaking to the congregation on concluding the Holy Mass, Fr. Clement Pindulani who is the parish priest, thanked the Bishop Stima for his fatherly heart and support to all faithfuls in the diocese and particularly with Koche Parish. He henceforth called for added efforts from fellow priests (Frs. Piruwa and Matupa) who on this day were being welcomed together with him (Fr. Pindulani) into the parish, to make efficient use of the talents that God gave them in the service of the people under their care. Later, he unveiled and presented to all a new Parish Fundraising Team. The team is made of 8 members and is being led by Fr. Kondwani Matupa. The team will work hand in hand with the office the parish priest and the Parish Finance Team trying to raise funds for the running of the parish. ‘We shall call this grouping, “Beggars for the Church’”, he thrilled.
Stepping into Koche Parish yards or even getting closer on 6th May 2018 morning, one would smell from the bright faces, the singing, the dancing, and the dust in the air that the mood is joyful. The celebration that lasted the whole day was crowned by feasting together and sporting activities that were organised by the Parish’s Events Team. The feast of St. Magdalene is usually commemorated on 8th May each year. Koche celebrated it on Sunday since it falls on week day this year with the intent of coming together as a family of God filled with the Holy Spirit, living in peace, love and harmony to share His graces.
