“Do not feel contented with the baptism you received, be an instrument of God by your witness. You are not just baptised. You are also sent. You are therefore called to be a model as you witness in your witness”. Bishop Stima said.

Bishop Stima said this to thousands of Catholics who gathered for a Mission Sunday Holy that marked the closure of centenary jubilee year of Maximum Illud on October 20th, 2019. The event took place in Balaka Parish basilica.
He further motivated his congregation and all Catholics in the diocese to keep witnessing to the gospel through the very spiritual activities that decorated the special spiritual year.

“Dear brethren, the liturgical year is about to be concluded. Nevertheless, let us seek mortification of our souls with the spiritual endeavours. Let us keep visiting the lonely and isolated, making pilgrimages to holy places, reach-out to those in need, intensify in prayer, receive the sacraments and live a more sound spiritual life. We remain baptised and we are surely sent. Our mission is to witness the gospel and this is a lasting duty for us his latest disciples”. He added.
The bishop later announced the elevation on five churches to quasi parishes. These churches are Chiyendausiku in Balaka, Phimbi in Utale I, Dziwe in Utale II, Mase in Mangochi and Kaukutu in Mpiri. These quasi parishes come from across the deaneries of the diocese.
The event saw some Catholics from Balaka Parish who over the years have contributed in protecting, building up, shared and lived their faith being honoured with a certificate. These ambassadors of faith are living and deceased, the laity and the clerics.
Mpiri Parish in Machinga hosted 2018 Mission Sunday.